Have you entered your chili for our Fall Fest Fundraiser Chili Cook-Off?!?! Hurry before it is too late!!!! **We are also still looking for more trunks for our Trunk-or-Treat for this special event!** For more information, please contact Tina Mohr directly: Tina.Mohr@gcj2.k12.wi.us #BrookwoodsBest #GCJ2Events

Congratulations to this week's BES Be Brookwood winners! These students were recognized for demonstrating what it means to Be Kind. Be Safe. Be Responsible. Great job! #BrookwoodsBest

We are #MustangProud of the BMS Boy's Softball Team and their hard work and dedication to this sport this season! #BrookwoodsBest **More pictures on Facebook**

Our Community Yoga Class are back in session starting Monday, October 7th from 6-6:45 pm at BES in the multipurpose room. Classes are $5 each and we hope you can make it. Please see the attached flier for more information. #BrookwoodsBest

We hope you and your child can join us for some of our events this week and next! The schools are buzzing with busy-ness!
This week:
2 BES grade level field trips
BMS Girl's Basketball Try Outs
Free Mustang Play Group (3 year olds in & out of district) @BES
BMS Open Gym
BMS Men's Basketball Open Gym
Next week:
FREE Community Yoga -Monday @BES
District Blood Drive -Wednesday @BMS
Fire Prevention Assembly-Wednesday @BES
Traxside Skate Night @TraXside Skating - Burlington, Wisconsin -Thursday
Check out our BMS Calendar here: https://tinyurl.com/y5dqprzj
Check out our BES Calendar here: https://tinyurl.com/y4yu758e
To subscribe to our calendars, click on the +GoogleCalendar button in the lower right on either or both calendars.

At recess today, Grade 4-5 helped at the community garden to pick ripe tomatoes, tomatillos, eggplant, beets, leek and both green and yellow beans! Is it really September 30th??? #BrookwoodsBest

Not only does teaching happen within the classrooms with our students but it happens among teachers as well! #BrookwoodsBest

We’ve got some pretty amazing artists in our district!! Check out these Image Overlays that are displayed in our middle school hallway. #BrookwoodsBest *more on our Facebook page*

BMS Girls Softball Team: be prepared to play two games at Salem tomorrow. Bus leaves at 2:30. First game is at 3:30. Let's go Mustangs! #BrookwoodsBest

Come cheer on our Brookwood Girl's Softball team at their first play off game on MONDAY!!! 9/30/19 at Salem (8828 Antioch Rd, Salem, WI 53168) Game starts at 3:30!

Gold Walk Update: The Gold Walk will still take place from 1-2 today! Due to the weather, elementary students will be staying at the elementary building and middle school students will be staying at the middle school building. Family members are still welcome to attend. Questions? Contact your child’s respective school office. #BrookwoodsBest

Due to possible poor weather tomorrow, we will be posting around noon with the finalized Gold Walk plan/location. Thanks for your patience and support and we hope you will be able to make it out to this great community and district event to help us Raise Awareness for Pediatric Cancer. #BrookwoodsBest

WAY TO GO MUSTANGSSSSSS! Our girl’s softball team had a double header tonight and won BOTH games!!! Andddddd they’re off to the playoffs!!!! #BrookwoodsBest

Our FREE Early Childhood Event was a hit tonight!! Thank you to everyone that attended! We hope to see you and your family at our next one. Stay tuned for the date!! #BrookwoodsBest

Don't forget to wear yellow/gold tomorrow to help us Raise Awareness for Pediatric Cancer at our Gold Walk! Both our elementary and middle school students will be walking together at the middle school. Donations are still being accepted to help support families who are affected by childhood cancer. For more information, please contact your child's respective school's secretary. #BrookwoodsBest

Join us for some FREE Awesomely Messy Outdoor Fun TOMORROW for all students that are 3-5 years old!! This Brookwood Early Childhood Night full of fine & gross motor activities (full-body & hand-eye coordination movements). Children will play & interact with others around their age. Parents will learn about developmental milestones in these areas. This night will happen rain or shine, but the types of activities will be dependent on the weather.
Dress for the mess! A snack will be provided for the children. Register before the event to receive free fine & gross motor activity ideas for home. But feel free to just show up as well!
*This community event is open to ALL children in & outside of our district.

See you tonight!!!
Parents & community members are invited to attend a FREE informational presentation & learning activity about the school safety approach called ALICE TONIGHT from 6:00-7:30 p.m. at Brookwood Middle School.
Presented by ALICE certified instructors, Principal Luke Braden & Chief Joseph Balog, the presentation will go over the active shooter survival techniques that the staff at our school district have been training on for the last two years. The second half of the evening will provide parents with an opportunity to participate in a hands on demonstration of ALICE.
Families wishing to attend that did not sign up on Back to School Night can RSVP to Colleen Gallo anytime today at colleen.gallo@gcj2.k12.wi.us // 262-279-1053 Ext. 1110.

The middle school’s Mustang Market has been out and about! Ask your middle school child about the goodies that are out at lunch time for purchase! #BrookwoodsBest

Last spring, both Brookwood Schools received the official designation as “ALICE certified” schools. This certification came a little over a year after the first staff training in the district and about two years after the initial conversations with Chief Balog, who is a certified ALICE trainer. This fall, the district will continue their implementation by providing classroom training to all students in grades K-8, as well as offering an evening training session for parents.
ALICE is an acronym for: Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate. The ALICE approach to school safety centers around providing preparation for schools on how to proactively handle the threat of an active shooter situation, unlike the traditional “lockdown only” approach. While the information shared via ALICE training is consistently focused on awareness and options, presentations to students vary dependent on age.
In addition to ALICE, our school district has upgraded both camera systems, changed door security hardware and processes, installed exterior window markers and interior window blinds, and purchased BleedStop kits for all district classrooms and main areas. Many of these changes have been done as a part of a Safety Grant that the district acquired through the Office of School Safety and Department of Public Instruction.
We are SO LUCKY as a district to have a strong partnership with our local police department! School Administrators meet regularly with Chief Balog and members of his department who provide advice on facility safety, assist with training for staff and students, and who are always willing to be involved in daily school activities.

Make sure you check out our Facebook page to see a video on what some of our 6th graders said about camp!! #BrookwodsBest