Thank you to all the students, families, and teachers that came out to support our Pediatric Cancer Awareness Blanket Making Event. We had a great turn out at both buildings!! Thank you to Kisses From Keegan and Friends for donating the supplies and being willing to deliver the completed blankets to Children’s Hospital of Milwaukee to children fighting cancer. We hope that you and your family can join us on September 27th in our District’s Gold Walk Event at 1:00 pm at the middle school. #BrookwoodsBest
over 5 years ago, Helen Xiong
Don’t forget this starts on Monday! Contact Mr. Guth (BMS) Or Mrs. Brenek (BES) for the time(s) your child has PE next week! #BrookwoodsBest
over 5 years ago, Helen Xiong
6th Grade Camp Wonderland Night Hike. A fan favorite activity that is a memory that’s never forgotten. #BrookwoodsBest
over 5 years ago, Helen Xiong
Our Brookwood Schools' Fall Fest is coming up!! We hope that you and your family can join us for this fun filled event. Please click on the link below to let us know if you will be in attendance or not and if you can help us with some of the happenings on this special day. If you have any question, please feel free to contact Tina Mohr directly: #BrookwoodsBest #GCJ2Events
over 5 years ago, Helen Xiong
Day 1 at Camp Wonderland with great weather! Students participated in activities that included boating, owl pellets and fire building. Large group activities included the chip game, 9 square and rock climbing! #BrookwoodsBest
over 5 years ago, Helen Xiong
What a GREAT night of free Family Yoga! We had a great turn out and hope to see some of you all at our upcoming Community Yoga events! Thank YOU for taking the time out of your night to join us for this special event! #BrookwoodsBest More information about our Community Yoga events can be found here:
over 5 years ago, Helen Xiong
Camp Wonderland round up onto the buses this morning!!! We know our 6th graders are going to have a GREAT time at our annual 6th Grade Camp Wonderland trip! #BrookwoodsBest
over 5 years ago, Helen Xiong
Any guesses with what’s going on at the middle school today?! #BrookwoodsBest
over 5 years ago, Helen Xiong
Join us for some Awesomely Messy Outdoor Fun!! This Brookwood Early Childhood Night full of fine and gross motor activities (full-body and hand-eye coordination movements). Children will play and interact with others around their age. *Open to children ages 3-5 years old -including 4K and 5K students* Parents will learn about developmental milestones in these areas. This night will happen rain or shine, but the types of activities will be dependent on the weather. Dress for the mess! A snack will be provided for the children. Register before the event to receive free fine and gross motor activity ideas for home. For questions, concerns, and/or to sign up: Kylie Warner Early Childhood Special Education Teacher 262-279-6496 #BrookwoodsBest
over 5 years ago, Helen Xiong
Congratulations to this week's Be Brookwood winners at the elementary school! Check out the post here: These students were chosen for demonstrating what it means to: Be Kind. Be Safe. Be Responsible. Be Brookwood! #BrookwoodsBest
over 5 years ago, Helen Xiong
FREE Family Yoga is THIS WEEK and we hope to see you ALL there! Wednesday, September 18th from 5:30-6:15 pm @BES Multipurpose Room. Check out this short video of our yoga instructor Molly Amelse leading staff through a yoga flow during our Staff Inservice’s active start. For more information, check out our Facebook link to this event: #BrookwoodsBest
over 5 years ago, Helen Xiong
Our 1st through 3rd grade art students worked on a collaborative project inspired by quilter Corrine Sovey. Corrine is a quilter from Texas who is known for her vibrant colors and geometric shapes in her quilts. Every art student made a square for the "Community Quilt" using brightly colored triangles, rectangles, squares and 1/4 circles. Way to go, Mustangs! #BrookwoodsBest
over 5 years ago, Helen Xiong
Elementary School Families! Stay tuned for a special announcement tomorrow! We will be drawing names of our first group of students who demonstrated what it means to Be Brookwood! Don't forget to Be Kind. Be Safe. Be Responsible. Be Brookwood! #BrookwoodsBest
over 5 years ago, Helen Xiong
Did you know that September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month?! Check out this message from our very own Keegan Denecke on Facebook and what she has to say and the events our District has planned! We are SO happy to say that Keegan is a childhood cancer survivor! #BrookwoodsBest
over 5 years ago, Helen Xiong
Come join in on our FREE Family Yoga Class (ages 5 and up)! This class will take place at Brookwood Elementary and is FREE to all families! September 18 / 5:30pm-6:15pm. For more information, please contact Molly Amelse:
over 5 years ago, Helen Xiong
Our Brookwood Community Garden is coming full circle to compliment our middle school lunch program. The beans & tomatoes were sweet and our tomatillos added to our nacho/baked potato menu yesterday. Look at the beautiful fresh food we provide! Thank you to all the families who gave up time to help weed, water, and pick at the community garden. Eating well rocks! #BrookwoodsBest
over 5 years ago, Helen Xiong
9:03 am 9/10/19 Phone and internet services are back up and running at both buildings.
over 5 years ago, Helen Xiong
9/10/19 Due to early morning storms, internet and phone service is down at both buildings—-power at both buildings is working. *only phone and internet service is down*
over 5 years ago, Helen Xiong
Brookwood Schools continues to demonstrate our commitment to the health and well-being of all students and families in our communities. We are fortunate to be involved with a program called Fuel Up to Play 60. Fuel Up to Play 60 is an in-school health & wellness program launched by National Dairy Council and the NFL, in collaboration with USDA empowering youth to make sustainable changes in the areas of nutrition and physical activity within their schools and communities. We are pleased to announce that the middle school received a grant of $1,100! Part of this money will be used for our Family Fun Night in January, where families have the opportunity to learn about how to keep their family physically active over the long winter months and how to fuel their bodies with various healthy foods. The other portion of this grant will be up to our students in our Physical Activity Leaders (PALS) and Wellness Group to decide how the money will be used to help revamp our recess time at the middle school! #BrookwoodsBest
over 5 years ago, Helen Xiong
Calling all elementary parents!!! Week one was great and we can't wait for a fantastic year! Has anyone's child told you what it means to Be Brookwood or that they were caught Being Brookwood? Share with us below what your child has told you about what “Be Brookwood” or what “Being Brookwood” means! #BrookwoodsBest
over 5 years ago, Helen Xiong